PHOTO: © Filmtheater Sendlinger Tor

Bio-Gemüse statt Maschinengewehre – Frieden schaffen mit Bio-Landwirtschaft

In the organizer's words:

Organic vegetables instead of machine guns - creating peace with organic farming

Lecture evening on July 8, 2024 in Munich

With Mayor Rommel C. Arnado / Philippines (livestream) and Sundeep Kamath / India

How do you successfully fight poverty and at the same time create peace and economic prosperity in a region characterized by war and violence? The answer is given by Rommel C. Arnado, Mayor of Kauswagan in the Philippines, with his program "From Arms to Farms", probably the most exciting and inspiring project in organic farming and the peace movement at the moment.

By appealing to the hearts of the rebels, Mayor Rommel succeeded in turning armed fighters into organic farmers. Formerly hostile Muslim and Christian communities now live together peacefully and the poverty rate has fallen by 70%. Crime is now practically zero. No one has to go hungry any more and organic farming has also led to an economic upturn, meaning that investments can now also be made in education and health.

An evening about peace, ecology and cooperation

With the "From Arms to Farms" program, Mayor Rommel Arnado has literally transformed people's lives from a hell of war to an ecological paradise and shown how great things can be achieved through cooperation instead of confrontation. This unique success story will now be presented at a lecture evening in Munich on July 8 at the Sendlinger Tor movie theater .

Sundeep Kamath, official chief advisor and coordinator for biodynamic cultivation for the city of Kauswagan, will report on his experiences, interesting and exciting facts about the program and will exchange ideas with Steffen Reese, Managing Director of Naturland, and answer questions from the audience in a subsequent panel discussion . Mayor Rommel will be connected via livestream.

The event starts at 6 pm and admission is free (no registration required).

Tour partners: World Future Council + Naturland + Misereor + Schweisfurth Foundation + Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Local partners: Ökoring + Naturland

Organizer: COLABORA - Let's work together

This content has been machine translated.


Filmtheater Sendlinger Tor Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 11 80336 München

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