Detective Inspector Sörensen, plagued by his anxiety disorder, finally wants to take a vacation and escape the dreary town of Katenbüll for a while. He wants to go to Austria, to the mountains. What could possibly go wrong? Answer: everything. Because crime is following him ...
At the same time, colleague Jennifer in Katenbüll suddenly has a murder case of her own to deal with. And she won't tell Sörensen about it. But Sörensen soon finds himself caught in a web of major and minor lies that not only blocks his view. Or is it ultimately this trail of lies that leads Jenni and him to the truth?
The author and freelance word director Sven Stricker is not coming to the Erfurt Spring Reading alone, but together with Bjarne Mädel, the well-known and popular actor, director, author and radio play narrator who plays Inspector Sörensen in the film adaptations of Sven Stricker's books.
The musician Jan-Peter Pflug, who composed the music for the Sörensen audio books, will accompany the reading on the keyboard.
Price information:
Advance booking: € 34.00 / € 32.00 reduced Box Office: € 36.00 / € 34.00 reduced