PHOTO: © UE Technical & Character Artist - Buse Simon, Metahuman identity - Brig Huezo


In the organizer's words:

Fri. 20.09.2024, 20:00 h PREMIERE
Sat. 21.09.2024, 20:00
Sun. 22.09.2024, 18:00

Duration: 90 minutes

Note: The play uses strobe lights and a fog machine. The visual effects may also cause reactions in people who are sensitive to sight and movement. Blood imitation will be used.


The Death At The Code! is a post-digital performance that brings together game design and dance, human and non-human performers. Both are monstrosities: the biological body in constant decay and the eternal representation with no concept of death and life, forever trapped between worlds.

In a reference remix of TikTok, meme and gaming culture, cyberpunk and gothic, the performance focuses on gaps and mistranslations. The self spans the entire spectrum of the physical-digital, blurring all subjectivity between body and representation.

Code, dance, pixels, longing, hardware, hormones, bones, skin - everything can be translated into the other and linked in endless constellations. This cyborg becoming is neither painless nor strictly utopian. Instead, it demands constant negotiations of death, desire and existence.

Technology imposes its own demands on production - revenge for the heresy of creating a being that can never be brought to life. The metahuman, a vampire in the night of the code, dances with bodies of flesh and muscle. The Death At The Code! finds beauty in the grotesque, in the open wound, in the glitch.

Brig Huezo (Pronouns they/them*) is a post-digital choreographer, dancer and performer. Nominated for the State Prize for Young Artists NRW 2024, Huezo studied contemporary dance at the Cologne University of Music and Dance (2021) and received support from the DAAD and other foundations. Interested in the deconstruction of the body in a virtual, technology-driven world. They work at the intersection of motion tracking technology, gaming, 3D design and film Inspired by cyberfeminism, Huezo explores hybrid experimental spaces where identity and body are in constant flux, seen as glitches and ephemeral entities that are continuously shifting, reorganizing and transforming. In 2023, the first commissioned work was created, an interactive dance game installation "POST DIGITAL BODIES" for the 25th anniversary of Tanzhaus NRW. This evolved into a motion capture workshop as part of the exhibition WE ARE IN HELL WHEN WE HURT EACH OTHER by Jacolby Satterwhite, invited by Kampnagel and Deichtorhallen, Hamburg. Currently he is Facilitator for Digital Art & Performance at NEW TALENTS RUHR. The last work "THE DEAD CODE MUST BE ALIVE!" was presented at Beyond Gravity Festival, Theater im Depot, and Akademie für Theater und Digitalität, TEMPS D`IMAGES Festival, Tanzhaus NRW, Moovy Festival, A MAZE Berlin and Gamescom, 2024. Huezo has actively participated as a guest at Tanzdigital Salon Dachverband Tanz, Digital Next Society Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft, Tanz NRW Festival, Transcorperealities at PACT Zollverein, Creative Technologies Meetup, Fab Lab St. Pauli, Hamburg and others.


Artistic direction, post-digital choreography, phygital performance and concept Brig Huezo

Dance and co-creation Darya Myasnikova, Vivien Kovarbašić, Elin Tezel

Choreographic assistance Celia Valverde Gerner

Metahuman identity and motion capture artist Brig Huezo

3D and sound programming Tim Pauli

Unreal Engine 3D Artist Buse Simon [BUSESART]

Technical Development Unreal Engine Lisa Kaschubat, Mateusz Bratkowski

Dramaturgy and text Mia Hofner

3D costume design Kerima Elfaza

Sound design Cedric Schuster [MYEN]

Set and lighting design Chiara Tess Krogull

Production assistance Jonas Leifert

A production by Brig Huezo, co-produced by Tanzhaus NRW and TanzFaktur Köln.

Supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste and NRW KULTURsekretariat funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Cultural Office of the City of Cologne, and with the support of the Rudolf Augstein Foundation.

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TanzFaktur Siegburger Straße 233w 50679 Köln

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