PHOTO: © Gifty Claresa Wiafe

Cactus Junges Theater //Questions

In the organizer's words:

For almost ten years, Cactus Junges Theater has maintained a mutually enriching partnership with the Tete Adehyemma Dance Theatre from Ghana. Most recently, a collaboration with the Youth Home Cultural Group in Tamale has also developed, resulting in the joint production WE ARE THE FUTURE. Again with both partners, Cactus is now premiering the play QUESTIONS. The focus is on the future plans of a young generation from Ghana and Germany. It is about colonialism, post-colonialism and the effects of the past on our relationships today. "White spots" in German history are illuminated and critical questions about the phenomenon of "mental slavery" are raised. Above all, however, the young participants embark on an artistic search for their very own fantasies. And for ideas for a future based on mutual respect.

Performers: Klea Mago, Alae Rtimi, Linn Augustin, Stella Bensmann, Wilma Kurze, Abdul Hakim Ibrahim, Abduali Sayuti, Mandeeiya Rahamaan, Raihana Mohammed, Mabel Abane, Grace Adjoa Twumhaad Opare-Twum, Godfred Atuah Director: Barbara Kemmler (GER), choreography: Frank Sam (GHA), co-director/play development : Gifty Wiafe (GER/GHA), assistant director: Anna Liebert, stage & costumes Henry Tse Kow Nyadiah (GHA) music Ben Sam (GHA), dramaturgy Tina Adomako (GER/GHA), artistic accompaniment Abdul Rahamaan Mohammed (GHA), lyrics Chief Moomen (GHA), Petra Kindler (IRL), Asmalia Rahinatu (GHA), Licht+Tourtechnik Anna Liebert A production by Cactus Junges Theater in collaboration with Tete Adehyemma Dance Theatre & Youth Home Cultural Group (Ghana), in co-production withTheater im Pumpenhaus, in cooperation with Jugendtheater-Werkstatt e. V.V. Supported by Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung NRW, funded by the International Youth Work Program of the Children and Support Plan - Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH - funding line: projects abroad, City of Münster - Cultural Office, Office for International Affairs, - Advisory Board for Municipal Development Work, Goethe Institute Ghana Supported by Eine Welt Netz NRW, Tamale Metropolitan Assembly (Ghana), Aster Reise Service GmbH, Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder-und Jugendbildung e.V. (BKJ), Soroptimist International, Roadstop GmbH, Cibaria, Liba Gmbh, Stadtteilauto CarSharing Münster GmbH

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Theater im Pumpenhaus Gartenstraße 123 48147 Münster

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