PHOTO: © Foto: Stefan Klüter | Cover: Dumont

CLITERATUR #5 | Wir kommen

In the organizer's words:

CLITERATURE #5 | We are coming
a collective novel published by LIQUID CENTER

With Julia Wolf as co-editor and author I.V. Nuss, two voices of the unique collective novel wir kommen (Dumont, 2024) will speak with cultural scientist and author Oliwia Hälterlein.

Everyone is female and everyone loves it! *Confetti* Everyone is female and everyone loves it! *shot of a handgun*

On the initiative of the writing collective LIQUID CENTER, 18 authors from different generations, backgrounds and identities exchange views on female and queer sexuality. In a unique experiment, we combine the voices of the authors to create a collective novel. Under the protection of anonymity, their reflections flow into a shared text document and form a polyphonic, fluid collective body that desires, mutates and hurts. It is about menstruation and motherhood, about puberty and menopause, about the experience of violence and shame as well as questions of collective storytelling: Who is writing here? What is at work here?

I have never read anything like this before. And it triggered a lot of different feelings in me that few books have been able to trigger in me before. - Lena Christ, SRF Literature Club

Oliwia Hälterlein is a cultural scientist, artist and author. In 2020, she wrote the wide-legged booklet Das Jungfernhäutchen gibt es nicht (Maro Verlag) and gave a TedxTalk about vaginal mucosal folds. She organizes events on feminism, sexual education, witches and feminist pornography and is a co-founder of the annual Aufgeklärt?! action week in Freiburg. She studied at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig and is currently writing her debut novel.

LIQUID CENTER is a feminist literary collective consisting of the authors Verena Güntner, Elisabeth R. Hager and Julia Wolf. The aim of their collaboration is to increase the visibility of feminist issues in contemporary literature. LIQUID CENTER work interdisciplinary, deregulated and in fluid constellations.

The reading and discussion with the author I.V. Nuss and Julia Wolf from LIQUID CENTER as well as Oliwia Hälterlein will take place in the CLITERATUR and Girl, Woman, Other series.

A cooperation between E-WERK Freiburg and ArTik Freiburg.
Co-organizers: Literaturhaus Freiburg, Heinrich Böll Foundation Baden-Württemberg

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

16,00€ / 12,00€ (reduced)


E-WERK Freiburg Eschholzstraße 77 79106 Freiburg im Breisgau

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