PICK OF THE DAY Spoken word
In the organizer's words:

ArTik and E-WERK Freiburg present the sixth reading in the CLITERATUR series with Maë Schwinghammer and Oliwia Hälterlein. The event will take place at Artik Freizeichen.

On the impossibility of language

At first, the words are whole and make sense, but as soon as they leave Michael's mouth, they fall to the floor and shatter like little porcelain cups in front of his eyes before they even reach other people's ears. His mom translates between him and the world. She understands him. She is the only one. "Babbling" is what the teacher at the playgroup calls it. "Perceptual disorder" is what the doctors call it. A few years later, the world had other words for Michael: computer-head, pussy, swinging homo, bear. Names, but not a single one that belongs to this me.







"A name taken from a name, taken from a language to find one."

About the desire - for one's own language, one's own body, one's own self

Maë Schwinghammer writes impressively and poetically about a search for understanding, at the end of which is a found self; she tells of growing up in the working class, of roots in Austria and Serbia, of the fluidity of gender, of sexuality, love and friendship, of autism and the approach to chosen and unchosen families. A painful and at the same time healing novel. A debut that is both: the capturing of silence. Or also: the omission of precisely this.


Maë Schwinghammer
Maë Schwinghammer, born in 1993, grew up in Vienna-Simmering, studies language arts and also writes poetry, plays and essays. In 2022, she published her poetry debut "covids me-tamorphosen", which is dedicated to the social and personal transformations that are taking place in times of a global pandemic. "Everything in between, beyond" is Maë's debut novel.

Moderated by Oliwia Hälterlein
Oliwia Hälterlein is a cultural scientist, artist and author. In 2020, she wrote the wide-legged booklet Das Jungfernhäutchen gibt es nicht (Maro Verlag) and gave a TedxTalk about vaginal mucosal folds. She organizes events on feminism, sexual education, witches and feminist pornography and is a co-founder of the annual Aufgeklärt?! action week in Freiburg. She studied at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig and is currently writing her debut novel.

The CLITERATUR reading series is a riot brush that nudges and throws you in at the deep end. It clarifies questions and raises even more. Which is not necessarily comfortable, but can be very relieving. Deliberately bringing the unknown or little-known to light, without a narrow-minded idea of what literature should be. Curious and feminist.

A cooperation between E-WERK Freiburg and ArTik Freiburg.

Access information: The Freizeichen is wheelchair accessible via a ramp and a non-electric door. A wheelchair-accessible toilet is available. Assistance persons and animals are welcome. The event is acoustically amplified. The event is non-smoking. A retreat is accessible via stairs. There is no awareness team.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Admission 16€/ 12€


E-Werk Freiburg Eschholzstraße 77 79106 Freiburg im Breisgau

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