PHOTO: © Arno Friedrich

Das Ende von Iflingen

In the organizer's words:

The end of Iflingen

a grotesque end of the world based on the radio play by Wolfram Lotz

in-house production | revival

The Day of Judgment. Archangel Michael with flaming sword and auxiliary angel Ludwig (without sword, but with trombone) have a mission. On orders from on high, they are to wipe out the population of the village of Iflingen. This should actually be done in fifteen minutes, but - no people. The space in front of the television is empty. The divine plan seems to be flawed, surely it can't be? What to do if the apocalypse threatens to fail?
Perhaps the local wildlife can provide information about the mysterious whereabouts of the villagers. Michael and Ludwig meet a busy hedgehog, a swift longing for weightlessness and a forgotten pig. But where have all the people gone? An evening of theater to make you laugh your head off and go crazy.

"A heavenly evening of theater" (Barbara Reitter, Donaukurier) "An absurd fantasy with witty dialogues, wicked and cynical." (Gabriella Lorenz, Münchner Feuilleton)
"A wonderful parable about the world and life."
(Peter Eidenberger, IN Munich)

with: Robert Erby, Arno Friedrich, Verena Richter, Sarah Schuchardt Production: Collective Stage & set: Claudia Karpfinger, Katharina Schmidt Live music: Verena Richter Lighting & technical set-up: Max Reitmayer Dramaturgy & assistance: Kalinca Vicente, Hannah Remmel

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Price information:

normal: 23,- | reduced: 15,- | Thursday = theater day! All tickets 3,- reduced


theater VIEL LÄRM UM NICHTS August-Exter-Straße 1 81245 München