With: Stênio Garcia, Guilia Benite, Lorenzo Tarantelli...
The Secret of the Perlimps takes us into a magical world in which two secret agents from opposing realms go on an adventurous journey together.
Secret agents live exciting and dangerous lives - and can also be small, furry and cute! Claé, the little fox, is on a mission for the Kingdom of the Sun; Bruô, the little bear, is a special agent for the Kingdom of the Moon. The two are not actually allowed to work together, as their kingdoms are enemies. But because their homeland, the jungle, is threatened by the destructive giants, they have to join forces to find the Perlimps: These mysterious beings of light are said to possess a mysterious, extremely powerful energy that can be used to defeat the giants.
Thus begins an adventurous journey in which Claé and Bruô, guided by the signals of the Perlimps, discover a lost city in the middle of the jungle, walk on clouds and finally penetrate the world of the giants - and become true friends as they get closer and closer to their goal. But will they actually manage to complete their mission?