In the organizer's words:

A play about the encounter with the self and the other.

The little shaggy Mottel lives contentedly in his shaggy world at the foot of a mountain. Here he has his cave and does wondrous things. Above all, however, it wants to fly high and practices flying. On the other side of the mountain, the weevils live in their earth world. They have a regular daily routine and follow fixed rituals. Only trunk 4 wants more. As the little shaggy Mottel flies higher and higher, the two discover each other - and get to know each other in their otherness. It is a play about the encounter with the self and the other and picks up the little ones in their world of experience, in which the other is still simply different, in which children do not yet judge, but simply meet. But it also addresses how this open attitude can quickly turn into a judgmental one.

Normally, most of the children sit on the floor directly in front of the stage, very close to the world of Zottel Mottel and the Trunk Beans (during Corona runs we do not offer this). A fairy godmother guides and accompanies the story. Throughout the play, the children are constantly involved in the action. The play makes it possible to experience how wonderful curiosity is and challenges the grown-ups to take an example from the little ones and to encounter the other with an open mind.

Thanks to a young talent grant in the field of independent children's and youth theater NRW, the actor Marie Dinger was able to research the topic and develop the play in close exchange with special needs teachers and (inclusive) kindergartens.

Puppet theater with drama for children from 3 years.
Performed by: Annemarie Mayer or Katharina Hofmann

During the coronavirus pandemic, Mottel, the little shaggy, experienced all kinds of things at home! There will soon be 50 short videos that encourage you to join in. You can find the episodes on our YouTube channel.

Director: Ruth zum Kley
Co-director: Marie Dinger
Author: Ruth zum Kley

This content has been machine translated.


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