Karoline (Vic Carmen Sonne), a young factory worker, struggles through life in Copenhagen after the First World War. Unemployed, abandoned and pregnant, she meets Dagmar (Trine Dyrholm), a charismatic woman who runs a secret adoption agency and helps mothers find foster families for their unwanted children. In her time of need, Karoline takes on the role of a wet nurse, and a close relationship soon develops between the two women. But Karoline's world comes apart at the seams when she discovers the shocking truth behind her work. Based on a true story and directed by Magnus von Horn (THE HERE AFTER, SWEAT), THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE tells the harrowing tale of a woman in search of love and morality.
Director: Magnus von Horn
Cinematography: Michał Dymek
Denmark/Poland/Sweden, 2024, 115 minutes, Danish original version with German subtitles
FSK 16
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