PHOTO: © Jasper Wessel

DAZWISCHEN - vom Driften, Wanken, Treiben

In the organizer's words:

"Is it a circle that closes or a space that becomes infinitely large?" The theater performance Dazwischen celebrates its premiere at the Blaumeier-Atelier in January. Following their last project KörperIch, the performers have now explored a state that cannot be pinpointed, that hangs in the air, not yet there, but no longer there either. A state of suspension, a drifting, wavering, drifting. In a stage set that is constantly changing and opens up new visual spaces that either show a concrete waiting room or enable movements, paths and encounters, the players sound out what is between them. They encounter dreams that confront their reality and try to find their own position in them. They experience that the inescapable uncertainty, a gray area, can be both support and motivation. From this position, the performers ask what exactly the in-between is: what is between arrival and departure, between now and now, between reality and dream, between you and me?

The performative theater evening invites you on an aesthetic journey with many images, questions and thoughts and perhaps also to get closer to (yourself).


The rooms are barrier-free.

Audio description on Fri 31.1., Sat 1.2., Sun 2.2.

German sign language on Sat 1.2.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Prices: 16 € full price 10 € reduced / colleagues / pupils 3 € Blaumeier participants and Bremen Pass 0 € Kultursemesterticket from 3 days before the event


Blaumeier-Atelier Travemünder Straße 7A 28219 Bremen