In the organizer's words:

In-between 1-9
Spaces of possibility

In-between 6
Katrin Bittl
(space of possibility)

Thomas Bratzke
Franziska Cusminus

(film program )

Exhibition from July12 to August 8,2024
Opening Thursday, July 11 , 2024, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

In 2024, 'Dazwischensein' provides the conceptual superstructure for nine short, individual artistic presentations that explore the theme in its various aspects. Being in-between can be a thought, a state or even a feeling. We want to understand being in-between as a possibility to see more and to grasp different perspectives at the same time.

Katrin Bittl (* 1994 in Munich) lives and works in Dachau. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich until 2023. In her work, she deals with social ideals and norms. She examines her own body as a woman with a disability using video, performance and animation. Intimate spaces are created through private objects and pieces of furniture, which she incorporates into installations and underline her biographical work. She locates her own body in the plant world and raises questions about the concept of care, care work and the family. In drawing and painting, she explores body standardizations that are manipulated and deconstructed by scaling them, painting over them or placing them in new contexts. She also works as a freelance author and writes on the topics of intersectionality of women with disabilities, art and inclusion. Most recently, her works were exhibited at the Galerie des Bezirks Oberbayern ('We Are Plants') and the Stadtmuseum München ([K]ein Puppenheim').

Interviewer: Dr. Ulrich Schäfert (*1973) is a theologian, art historian and trained church painter and is amazed at the breadth and depth that lies in the encounter between these fields. Schäfert is head of the Art Pastoral Department of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, based in St. Paul, and a member of the executive board of the DG.

Thomas Bratzke aka ZASD (*1977 in Berlin) studied sculpture - fine arts at the Berlin Weissensee School of Art and art in context with a focus on public space at the UDK Berlin. ZASD has been part of the cultural phenomenon of graffiti and writing in Berlin since the mid-90s and has developed sculptural, installative and performative works from there. Since 1997, he has worked closely with his partner AKIM (Berlin) as well as with various crews and collectives from the Berlin writing scene to critically explore writing in order to work out the artistic quality of writing. Since the early 2000s, he has been autonomously inserting sculptural 3D tags into the city, as well as initiating the 'City of Names' project, which inspired the subsequent Berlin generation of writing. Since 2013 he has been working on the further development of three-dimensional lettering as part of the 'Half Half Paintings' project in collaboration with Keez Duyves, PIPS:lab (NL). Since 2019 he is part of the Hybrid Sculptors.

Franziska Cusminus (*1991 in Weilburg) studied media art at the Kunsthochschule Mainz until 2022. Cusminus skillfully combines video installation and painting. Her elaborately constructed installations for the videos as a space of movement for the filmed actors lend her works an absurd aura that will not let you go. Cusminus uses her body to investigate how different materials behave in conjunction with the human body. The videos show the performative use of various materials, such as sugar, salt dough or metal constructions: The human being who tries to adapt to certain structures, chafes against them, deforms, thus becoming a kind of sculpture himself, a fragile organic body in relation to rather hard, static material. The dependence of people in a given system becomes a theme, life forms that force them to function are questioned. She received the Mainz Art Prize in 2022 and the Georg Meistermann Scholarship in 2023.

Thursday, 11 July 2024, 6 to 9 pm
Introduction 7.30 pm

Katrin Bittl in conversation with Dr. Ulrich Schäfert
Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 7 pm

Finissage with Ruth Geiersberger
Thursday, August 8, 2024, 7 pm

Further information and current dates can be found at

Dazwischensein is a project in cooperation with the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, the Uri Institute Cultures of the Alps and the Lucerna Foundation. With the kind support of the Curt Wills Foundation and the sponsorship of the Verein Ausstellungshaus für christliche Kunst e.V., Munich. The project was made possible by the BBK - Verbindungslinien funding program with funds from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts.

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DG Kunstraum Finkenstraße 4 80333 München


DG Kunstraum München

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