PHOTO: © cpms

Dein erster Kinobesuch RETRO: Der Gigant aus dem All

PICK OF THE DAY Film kino film
In the organizer's words:

Sat 8. 3. + Sat 9. 3. at the Schloßtheater, Sat 15. 3. + Sun 16. 3. at CINEPLEX - Your first visit to the cinema RETRO: The outstanding animated film from 1999, in which little Hogarth befriends a giant alien robot at the end of the 1950s. Gastro Special: 19.90% discount on a drink, snack, menu or merchandise!

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Schloßtheater Münster Melchersstraße 81 48149 Münster

Location | Cinema

Schloßtheater Münster Melchersstraße 81 48149 Münster