PHOTO: © (c) Jörg Baumann

Der Geheime Salon mit Danse Musique Rhône-Alpes & adhdiva

In the organizer's words:

Behind Danse Musique Rhône-Alpes is percussionist and electronic acrobat Loup Gangloff. On closer inspection and listening, the project name seems to be a precise choice, as it describes the aesthetic dimension of the musical work quite well. It does indeed sound a little like the musical setting of a map of this mountainous and river-crossed region in the west of France. Electronic impulses meander freely between synthesis forms and time signatures, sometimes transforming into digital surfaces, sometimes into rhythmic sequences that aim for the dance floor and stimulate both the ear and the brain.

The DJ counterpart and the perfect sonic complement on this evening is adhdiva with her mix of broken and straight beats full of cosmopolitan brilliance.

Free admission!

The restaurant and bar are open from 8 pm.

This content has been machine translated.


Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Waldschmidtstraße 4 60316 Frankfurt am Main

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