The KLEINE QUIZSHOW is a special kind of quiz show. While in conventional quiz shows the questions are put to the audience by presenters, here it's the other way round: the audience write their questions on slips of paper and the acting team answers them in an improvised scene! There is room here for questions you never dared to ask, e.g. "Did Adam and Eve have a belly button?" or "Who invented the central reservation on the road?" and so on. Personal questions are also welcome, such as: "Will I soon find a new boyfriend?" or "Does Bettina love someone else?".
The questioners are guaranteed to remain anonymous! The players pull any question out of a hat, read it out - and a scenic game begins immediately in which the gifted improv actors ignite a firework of ideas, digress, sing, rave and shine until an answer appears out of nowhere that remains unforgettable. Improv comedy with a dash of fortune-telling, philosophy and chaos.
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Box Office Reduced 15 € / 20 € Normal