PHOTO: © Marco Waberski

Die Niere

In the organizer's words:

Kathrin needs a new kidney. What now? Her husband Arnold has the same blood group, but unfortunately not only doesn't have the time, but is also terrified of an operation. He is overwhelmed and hesitant - which makes his friend Götz all the more surprising for everyone involved: He has the right blood group and immediately offers to donate a kidney for Kathrin. Now a real cockfight breaks out over the organ donation, in which everyone involved has to lose their feathers.

A relationship comedy that not only gets to the heart, but also to the kidneys and raises the question: darling, what are you prepared to do for me?

The actors are: Kerstin Poetting, Michael Knoll, Heiko Fischer and others.

Director: Lennart Mesenbring

Performance rights: Thomas Sessler Verlag, Vienna

Duration of performance: approx. 2 hours incl. interval

Dates: August 16 to October 13, 2024

Ticket prices:
34 euros / 29 euros in advance
39 euros / 34 euros at the B.O.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Children, schoolchildren, trainees and students receive a 50% discount, while people with a degree of disability of 60% or more receive a 25% discount.


Comödie Lübeck Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 25 23552 Lübeck