PHOTO: © Christoph Bendikowski

Die Odyssee der Hanni Baumgarten - oder der Traum vom gelobten Land

In the organizer's words:

Four artists deal with an unbelievable but true story: the story of Hanni Baumgarten, a Jewish woman who lived through the Nazi era as a teenager in the small town of Verden an der Aller in Lower Saxony.

She came to the small town of Verden in Lower Saxony in 1929 after the premature death of her parents, experienced the last years of the Weimar Republic, the repression of the Nazi era, the November pogroms (the synagogue in Verden also burned down) and decided to emigrate to Palestine in 1940.

Her adventurous journey took her via Austria to Romania, by ship through the Bosporus via Cyprus and Crete, until she finally reached the coast of Palestine. There she was suspected of espionage by the British and interned on a ship that sank a few weeks later. Hanni, a good swimmer, was able to reach the shore of her promised land with the last of her strength.

Based on the play by the Ekke Neckepen Theater, the show not only tells a piece of contemporary history, but also a story of courage, using the means of theater, dance, music and contemporary circus.

The artists Christoph Bendikowski (Ekke Neckepen Theater), Tina Badenhop, Merle Freund and Martin Bogus paint a scenic portrait of a young woman growing up who never gives up hope despite the greatest reprisals and finally finds happiness.

This performance takes place in cooperation with Omas gegen Rechts and refers to the traveling exhibition "Erinnern heisst Kämpfen", which can be seen in Achim Town Hall from October 14.

This content has been machine translated.


KASCH Achim Bergstraße 2 28832 Achim

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