In his last silent film comedy, Buster Keaton plays the role of a trouser-presser who courts a young actress. After initial disdain and disregard, the star suddenly marries the persistent suitor - but only to spite another lover. This "marriage of defiance" soon turns out to be a charade: Buster must now give his all to convince his beloved of his qualities...
Björn Jentsch sets the silent film to music with piano, flute, melodica and various percussion instruments. The loving instrumentation and the composition of the multi-instrumentalist make the silent film classic from 1929 a (sound) experience even today.
Jentsch has been scoring silent films, theater and dance theater pieces for over 20 years. His sophisticated scoring technique with the different instruments, some of which are played simultaneously, make him unique in the "scoring scene". In each of his productions, the artist puts his musical skill, his irrepressible joy of playing and his sensitivity.
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Advance booking: € 18.00 / € 11.00 Box Office: € 20.00 / € 13.00
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