In the organizer's words:

*or primeval-not Venus

Anyone who has ever been to the Natural History Museum in Vienna knows her: The Venus of Willendorf. A small stone figurine that was made around 30,000 years ago and rediscovered at the beginning of the 20th century in Willendorf, Austria. Since its excavation in 1908, it has kept a number of scientists busy trying to find out what this "Venus" might have symbolized for the people of the Palaeolithic Age. The small, round figure has been the subject of several misinterpretations: From a prehistoric fertility goddess, to a kind of primordial mother, to the idol of the current body positivity movement.

In our puppet show, we ask ourselves what the Venus of Willendorf would say about all these theories. Would she have an opinion on all the opinions about her?

"She is a symbol of sexuality! She is our original mother and goddess from the past! She is ur fat! Ur form, Ur woman!"

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Price information:

Solidary pricing system at your own discretion. No proof necessary.


Hamburger Puppentheater Bramfelder Straße 9 22305 Hamburg

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