»Dieses Glas dem guten Geist«

In the organizer's words:

During an entertaining guided tour and wine tasting in the garden of the Schiller House with museum director Dr. Anselm Hartinger and Dr. Franziska Jenrich-Tran, visitors follow in the footsteps of the young Friedrich Schiller. The garden of Schiller's summer retreat in Gohlis, Leipzig's oldest surviving farmhouse, invites visitors to rest under rose bushes and among vines, just as it did in Schiller's day:

You can't repay the gods,
it's nice to be like them.
Grief and poverty should come to
rejoice with the happy.

Please register by 2.9. at 0341.5662170 or

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Price information:

Participation fee incl. tasting


Schillerhaus - Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Menckestraße 42 04155 Leipzig


Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig Leipzig

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