At KunstStück!, the drama school DER KELLER also presents itself to the audience at regular intervals with scenic and musical contributions from current works. As part of their training, the students take paintings from a wide range of eras and styles as the basis for their scenic exploration and give the characters in these paintings a voice, a life, a story. The texts will be developed in collaboration with the lecturer Sabine Hahn and then staged. Let this scenic-musical evening take you into the world of paintings by René Magritte, Nikolai Andreyevich Koschelev and Fabian Perez. Take a look inside the world of education with the play "Gemäldeszenen".
Admission: €10.00, reduced €5.00
Keller (entrance via the courtyard), Kalk-Mülheimer Str. 58, 51103 Cologne
Price information:
reduced: 5 €
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