PHOTO: © Gavin McGruddy via Unsplash

Ausverkauft | Ein Sommernachtstraum von William Shakespeare

In the organizer's words:

"Only that is our aspiration: Art in abundance

Never shall your reluctance be waved"

W. Shakespeare

We are delighted to announce a very special event: A Midsummer Night's Dream in the idyllic setting of our castle garden!

This timeless masterpiece was performed there 20 years ago and has captured the hearts of many Oldenburg residents. Now we are continuing this tradition while at the same time presenting a completely new production.

Experience a magical night with us as you settle down for a picnic amidst the enchanting backdrop of the castle gardens.

But what is it all about? Love, of course! A loves B, who doesn't love A, but C and C of course loves A - etc. along the lines of: you don't love me, but I love you. It was no different in Shakespeare's time than it is today. Chaos then! To clear this up - off to the castle garden!

Fortunately, the duke loves the right girl. Which duke? Well, the one from Oldenburg of course, Peter Ludwig. The same one who snatched the castle garden from nature, i.e. the Hunte lowlands, which Oberon and, more of that later.

So the duke wants to get married. Is the whole of Athens calling? No, the whole of Oldenburg is calling for the festivities! A feast! In the palace garden! A picnic in the countryside! Awaken the spirit of merriment everywhere!

So Oberon and Titania, the rulers of the elves and fairies, are quarrelling. This disrupts nature and so love must be found. Not between the two, no, man must reconcile with nature. At least in dreams. In Zettel's dream, so to speak. So who is this Zettel again?

Zettel is part of an amateur theater group that wants to perform the "Comedy of Pyramus and Thispe" at the wedding. Where? In the castle garden, of course!

So pack your picnic, bring your friends and family and let yourself be enchanted by the art of theater.

This content has been machine translated.


Schlossgarten Oldenburg Gartenstraße 37 26122 Oldenburg

Location | Open Air


Kulturetage Oldenburg
Kulturetage Oldenburg Bahnhofstr. 11 26122 Oldenburg

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