PHOTO: © 123RF/Grafik: Tanja Simon

Erntedank: Von Erbsenzählern und Bohnenstangen

In the organizer's words:

This year's Thanksgiving exhibition focuses on pulses - from peas and beans, lentils and lupins to chickpeas and soybeans. They are of enormous importance in our modern diet, especially as a plant-based source of protein.

Action day on October 3

On 3 October, there will be a special day of action, which will include short lectures, workshops and guided tours about pulses as well as music and a children's program.

The exact program will be announced shortly on the homepage:

Tasting apples

Another highlight of the exhibition is the variety of cultivated apples with over 100 typical regional varieties. Visitors can taste a selection of these directly on site.

Have apple trees identified

And if you don't know which apple tree is in your own garden, you can have your variety named by an expert. Pomologist Friedrich Renner will identify the apples you bring with you on the second weekend of the exhibition, October 5 and 6.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Adults: €6.50, concessions €4.50 12-18 years: concessions. Free admission for under 12s


Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg Menzinger Straße 65 80638 München