PHOTO: © Grandfilm


In the organizer's words:

AUT 2024, documentary film, 118 min, FSK 0

Director: Ruth Beckermann

Language: OmeU (German with English subtitles)

Over the course of three years, filmmaker Ruth Beckermann follows a class of seven to ten-year-olds and their dedicated teacher in a large school in Vienna's Favoriten district. The film takes us into the classroom and lets us experience the children's daily adventures, struggles, defeats and successes up close. The district was once a working-class district, and today the majority of children at the elementary school there do not speak German as their first language. The film follows the children with great sensitivity as teacher Ilkay Idiskut helps them to find a place in a world in which they often do not feel they belong.

Ruth Beckermann's film is a long-term observation that draws attention to the structural problems in the school system and takes the children's perspective seriously. An astonishingly cheerful portrait of an unusual community that poses questions to which many are looking for answers. A film about teaching and learning and about how the future of our society is also negotiated in the classroom.

ENG: For three years, filmmaker Ruth Beckermann accompanies a class of seven to ten-year-olds and their dedicated teacher in a large school in Vienna's "Favoriten" district. Favoriten was once a working-class district, today the majority of children in the local primary schools do not speak German as their first language. The film accompanies the children with great sensitivity as their teacher helps them find a place in a world in which they often feel they do not belong.
An astonishingly cheerful portrait about how the future of our society is also negotiated in the classroom. (German with English subtitles)

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

- 7.00 € (regular) - 5.50 € (reduced*) - 3.50 € (with Leipzig Pass, disabled pass, volunteer pass) - Films longer than 130 min: + 1.00 € - Tickets are available online (plus € 0.70 booking fee), remaining tickets at the Box Office.


CINÉMATHÈQUE Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 109 04275 Leipzig


Cinémathèque e.V. Leipzig