PHOTO: © Gereon Roemer

Foto-Seminar: Landschaftsfotografie

In the organizer's words:

Who hasn't experienced this: you are in the middle of a breathtaking landscape and want to capture this unique moment forever, but the memories later are much more impressive than the resulting pictures. Judging a photo is not just a question of taste, but follows objective laws. In this seminar, Gereon Roemer shows participants how to take better pictures with a trained eye and the right preparation.

The first part of the seminar is dedicated to camera technique, which plays a special role in landscape photography. In hardly any other area of photography are technical image flaws so difficult to forgive, as they destroy the illusion of perfect nature. Good equipment is of little help if the photographer does not know the effects of the camera settings. Gereon Roemer uses many illustrative practical examples to explain the interrelationships of camera technology and reveals the secret of technically perfect images.

The second part of the seminar deals with the development of an image idea and the rules of image composition. How is an atmospheric photo created from a motif? With the help of many picture examples and well-founded facts, it is made clear how good photos are created through the targeted interplay of picture idea, design and camera technology. Gereon Roemer shares his experiences from 25 years of landscape photography in an entertaining way and provides suggestions for the systematic preparation and execution of photo trips.

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Fotoschule Koeln Im Mediapark 8a 50670 Köln

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