Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus

In the organizer's words:

Sexism affects us all - and yet people are reluctant to talk about it. With the free exhibition "Together against sexism", the Alliance against Sexism is helping to remove the taboos surrounding sexism and sexual harassment and make them accessible to a wide audience.

The exhibition offers attractively designed basic information and figures on sexism, its manifestations and effects. Visitors are also given tips on how they can counteract sexism in their everyday lives.

The content of the exhibition is family-friendly. The exhibition is also available as an audio version (QR codes on the exhibition panels). (Please bring your smartphone and headphones).

The exhibition can be visited on Sundays to Wednesdays, during events and at additional times on request from 2 pm to 6 pm in the corridors on the first floor. Free admission.

What is the alliance "Together against sexism"?
Sexism is widespread in our society. It degrades people because of their gender. We encounter it every day - in many areas of society. The alliance "Together against sexism", which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and organized jointly by the European Academy for Women in Politics and Business (EAF Berlin), aims to take decisive action against this. The aim is to recognize sexism and sexual harassment, take a closer look and establish effective measures against it. Federal Minister for Women Lisa Paus is the patron of the alliance. Several hundred companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as cultural and media institutions from all over Germany have already joined the alliance by signing the "Joint Declaration against Sexism and Sexual Harassment"
. With this voluntary commitment, the alliance members show that they are serious about combating sexism and sexual harassment - whether in the workplace, in public spaces or in culture and the media.

This content has been machine translated.


STRAZE Stralsunder Straße 10 17489 Greifswald