PHOTO: © Franzis Kabisch / AG Bild-Kunst


In the organizer's words:


BRD/AUT 2023, experimental documentary, 22 min.

Director: Franzis Kabisch.

Language: OmeU (German with English subtitles).

One woman looks out of the train window, another stares at a deserted playground, a third hides her face in her hands. Sadness and despair dominate the mood. All the photos are linked by one word in the headlines to the respective articles: Abortion. In the desktop essay "getty abortions", Franzis Kabisch examines how German-language media illustrate the topic of abortion, clicking through stock photo databases, BRAVO girl magazines and documents of a real abortion experience. The film jumps from the early 2000s to the late 19th century, interrogates feminist treasures of knowledge and chats with fictional characters - above all the question: Why is no one actually looking into the camera?

The short film "getty abortions" is followed by a lecture by Franziska Hartung: Are my reasons hard enough? Guilt and feelings of guilt in the "pregnancy conflict"

Although the majority of those affected by the so-called pregnancy conflict are able to make and accept a decision for themselves, pregnant women in particular feel guilty in this situation. But where do these feelings come from? The lecture will look at various dimensions of guilt and feelings of guilt that affect people who have decided to terminate a pregnancy or are considering this option. It will look at social and legal discourses on guilt as well as personal reasons that can lead to feelings of guilt.

Franziska Hartung, M.A. Applied Sexology, lust.voll.lernen - Center for Sexual Education and Counseling, former counselor in "pregnancy conflict counseling", researched guilt and feelings of guilt in relation to HIV infection and transfers these findings to the "pregnancy conflict".

ENG: A woman looks out of the train window, another stares at an empty playground, a third hides her face in her hands. Sadness and despair dominate the mood. All the photos are linked by one word in the headlines to the respective articles: Abortion. The desktop essay "getty abortions" by Franzis Kabisch examines how German and Austrian media illustrate the topic of abortion, browsing through stock photos, teen magazines and documents of a real abortion experience. It jumps from the early 2000s to the late 19th century, seeks out feminist knowledge and chats with fictional characters. But one question remains: Why does no one look into the camera?

The short film "Getty Abortions" will be followed by a lecture by Franziska Hartung: "Are my reasons hard enough? Guilt and feelings of guilt in the "pregnancy conflict"
Although the majority of people in so-called pregnancy conflicts can make a decision that they can accept for themselves, women* in particular feel guilty in this situation. But where do these feelings come from and what role do social and legal discourses play in this? The lecture will look at various dimensions of guilt and feelings of guilt that affect people who have had an abortion or are considering this option. It will look at social and legal discourses on guilt as well as personal reasons that can lead to feelings of guilt.

Franziska Hartung, M.A. Applied Sexology, lust.voll.lernen - Center for Sexual Education and Counseling, former counselor in "pregnancy conflict counseling", researched guilt and feelings of guilt in relation to HIV infection and transfers these findings to the "pregnancy conflict".
The lecture will be held in German.

The event is organized by committed employees of pregnancy counselling centres in Leipzig and the district of Leipzig in cooperation with the Fachdialognetz für Gleichstellung bei sexuellen und reproduktiven Rechten and the Heinrich Böll Foundation. The specialist dialog network is a project of pro familia Saxony, which is committed to strengthening sexual and reproductive rights. The focus is on access to these rights and gender equality in these rights.
In cooperation with committed employees of the pregnancy advice centers in Leipzig and the district of Leipzig in cooperation with the Fachdialognetz für Gleichstellung bei sexuellen und reproduktiven Rechten and the Heinrich Böll Foundation. The specialist dialog network is a project of pro familia Saxony, which is committed to strengthening sexual and reproductive rights. The focus is on access to these rights and gender equality in these rights.

This content has been machine translated.


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