PHOTO: © Heide Prange


In the organizer's words:

A band that has a non-fiction groove song about octopuses in its program called "Facts about Octopods" must inevitably appear in the Blueprint project.

Gorilla Club was founded as the children's music incarnation of the Cologne indie pop institution Locas In Love and is therefore made up of OBS veterans. After contributing a song to the successful children's music series "Unter meinem Bett" in 2018, the band released their debut album "1-2-3-4!", a mix of styles and themes that struck a chord with children and parents - and became a surprise hit in children's rooms and family car radios. In their songs and at concerts, Gorilla Club meet children at eye level, a bit like cool big siblings with electric guitars, synthesizers and loud drums - and they completely leave behind categories such as 'for children' or 'for adults'. They don't offer an entertainment program for children, but unusual, colourful and smart pop songs with which they enter into conversation with children. They do this sometimes in an absurd, sometimes in a nerdy, sometimes in a jubilant, sometimes in an introverted way. On their second album, "OK COOL", Gorilla Club tell their fans melodic and playful stories about food, arguments, animals, cities, memories, films and friendship, accompanied by guests from friendly bands such as (hold on tight!) Arab Strap, Die Nerven, International Music, Jenobi, AnnenMayKantereit, Klee and Die Höchste Eisenbahn.

It becomes clear that the band members were socialized equally with the "Sendung mit der Maus", the Beastie Boys and Blondie, with the Pixies, The Cure and "Sesame Street", with the B-52s, the Flaming Lips, the "Muppet Show" and Kraftwerk.
With Gorilla Club, both the poetic depth that keeps flashing up and the joy of anarchic nonsense are not an end in themselves: the clever and funny thing about their music is their knowledge of the cleverness and wit of children. Live, this becomes wonderful, surprising and

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