The Society for Interspecies Friendship presents a new microhabitat and invites you to the Bioblitzz together with LeipzigBirds!
Founded in Leipzig in 2021, the Society for Interspecies Friendship deals with the loss of biodiversity and transfers permaculture methods to artistic action. Her watercolors and texts, which she offers for sale as print editions with plant seeds (limited by the amount harvested), tell of solidary relationships between plants and animals. They invite people to redefine their role in these relationships.
As part of the collection exhibition Things That Were Are Things Again , the Society for Interspecies Friendship has created a place full of niches for different creatures and ways of life in the garden of the GfZK. To mark the opening, a Bioblitzz and guided tours will take place in the GfZK garden in cooperation with LeipzigBirds and other participants. At the Bioblitzz, nature enthusiasts try to identify as many species of plants, fungi and animals as possible in a certain area and during a certain period of time. Excursions around the site start at 5 p.m. and continue into the night: to birds and acoustic ecology, moths and many other focal points.
Admission is free, registration is not required
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