"Kein Pardon" tells the story of Peter Schlönzke, a humble pop fan who dreams of a career in television. When he actually manages to land a job on a TV show, he has no idea that he is in for a turbulent journey through the highs and lows of show business.
He quickly becomes a star himself, but fame comes at a price: Peter has to learn to find his way in the world of television and make his own way - between fame, vanity and the dark side of the media world.
With plenty of humor, charm and catchy melodies, "Kein Pardon" takes the audience on a journey behind the scenes of show business - and shows in a humorous way what really counts: Authenticity and the courage to stay true to yourself.
Based on the cult film of the same name, "Kein Pardon" is now being brought to the stage as a rousing musical - exclusively at the Erholungshaus Leverkusen.
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