PHOTO: © Jenny Olaya Peickner

Hayat Habibi*s: Die Anklage – Romani Kris

In the organizer's words:

As part of "Hayat Habibi*s", court is being held - by those who have been accused of a penchant for criminality in a racist narrative for centuries: the Roma.

Time to press charges ourselves! In cooperation with the educational center Schaworalle, theater maker and Roma activist Simonida Selimović stages a trial based on the model of a Roma court (Romani Kris), as practiced in many European countries. On a podium on the Zeil, opposite the Higher Regional Court, the discriminatory violence that is hardly ever the target of law enforcement authorities is being tried.

Complainants raise their voices, witnesses testify, musicians perform. Finally, the verdict is delivered - by wise Krisnitori, members of the Roma community, who look at the situation with a wealth of life experience. Their task is to restore the lost balance.

Duration: approx. 70 min.
Language: Romani, German
Recommended for ages 12 and up
Out on the street

Mousonturm production

This content has been machine translated.


Zeil 17 (Frankfurt Innenstadt) Zeil 17 60313 Frankfurt am Main