heimkino. Anime: YOUR NAME - OmU

In the organizer's words:

home theater. Anime: YOUR NAME - OmU

Mitsuha and her little sister Yotsuha live with their grandmother in a small rural town in Japan. She secretly laments her isolated existence in the provinces and wishes for an exciting life in the big city. Taki would be happy to grow up in such a tranquil environment, as he lives in the metropolis of Tokyo, spends a lot of time with his friends and works in an Italian restaurant alongside school. One day, Mitsuha seems to have a dream in which she finds herself as a boy in Tokyo. At the same time, Taki has a similar experience: he finds himself as a girl in a small town in the mountains, where he has never been before. But how does this fateful entanglement come about and what secret is really behind the dreams of the two teenagers?

This content has been machine translated.


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