PHOTO: © Rosenau Kultur e.V.

Ausverkauft | Helmut A. Binser mit "Ha?"

In the organizer's words:

Cabaret fans know: red shoes, black hat - that's Binser Helmut. And "Ha?" is the name of his brand new program.

In a highly scientific survey, 100 people in 100 large Bavarian discos were asked what Helmut Binser's new program should be called to the sound of booming beats.
The answer was clear and unanimous: Ha?

The result naturally suits the pragmatic music cabaret artist very well. The "Binser" - as he is affectionately called by his fans - has practiced this all his life: look closely and then just say what's going on. "I drive to the venue and when the audience has laughed so much that their stomachs hurt, I drive home again. That doesn't happen in many professions..."

His way of getting to the heart of complex relationships about the realities of Bavarian life in a wonderfully ironic yet precise way is legendary. He does this in such a fundamentally ingenious and subtly brute manner that his enthusiastic audience constantly falls into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

Thematically, Binser is all about life in the countryside. Helmut Binser is a precise observer of everyday life and likes to use real-life role models, which he sometimes mercilessly exaggerates.

His quirky stage characters and their sometimes abstruse experiences drive the amused audience to storms of cheers. He often takes on the role of the naïve observer who comments on things from his - admittedly often very personal - point of view. His stories and songs are hilarious, his mischievous, self-deprecating humor is unbeatable and his down-to-earth approach is legendary.

In other words: Binser. New program. Will be good. Go and see it!

This content has been machine translated.


Rosenau Kultur e.V. Rotebühlstraße 109B 70178 Stuttgart

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