PHOTO: © für die Porträts: Thabo Thindi, privat und Kathleen Kunath

How to decolonize the museum? 10 Jahre nach »Decolonize München« – Rückblick, Bestandsaufnahme und Zukunftsvisionen

In the organizer's words:

Panel discussion with Dr. Eva Bahl, Sarah Bergh and Modupe Laja as part of the programme accompanying the special exhibition Colonialism in Things on Thursday, 27 February 2025 at 7 pm at the Museum Fünf Kontinente.

The exhibition project Decolonize Munich from 2013 at the Münchner Stadtmuseum was based on a central question: What should be decolonized in the museum - the counter question was: What does not need to be decolonized?
In the meantime, concepts for diversity-sensitive museum work and a decolonial culture of remembrance have become "state of the art", or...? What is the next step in museum practice and in spaces of encounter in the city?

This content has been machine translated.


Museum Fünf Kontinente Maximilianstraße 42 80538 München

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