PHOTO: © Marianne Menke

"Ich weiß nicht, warum ich so bin."

In the organizer's words:

"I don't know why I'm like this."

The world of Joachim Ringelnatz in songs and lyrics

He became famous with his nonsense poetry and as a satirist critical of the times: Joachim Ringelnatz, the poet, painter, draughtsman and reciting sailor. Who doesn't know the quirky sailor's yarn of "Kuttel Daddeldu", the wonderfully bizarre "Turngedichte" or the rebellious verses in the "Kinderverwirrbuch"? - But a deeply melancholy heart beat in the chest of Ringelnatz, who was considered a philistine. His poetic somersaults took him adrift on the ocean of life.

Joachim Ringelnatz, whose real name was Hanns Bötticher, was born in Wurzen, Saxony, on August 7, 1883. He began writing poetry at the age of six and called these verses, written on exercise book pages, "The Magic Book". But before Joachim Ringelnatz was discovered by the poet Walter Mehring in Munich in 1919 and brought to the cabaret stage "Schall und Rauch" in Berlin, he had worked in a number of professions. After finishing school, he first went to sea as a ship's boy, then completed a commercial apprenticeship in Hamburg, was a showman's assistant, commissioner in a roofing felt factory, window dresser, librarian, owner of a tobacconist's store and commander of a minesweeper during the First World War.
In 1909, he recited his verses for the first time in the Munich artists' pub "Simplicissimus" and devoted himself more intensively to his artistic talents. In 1933, the National Socialists banned Joachim Ringelnatz from performing and declared his works "undesirable". The following year, on November 17, 1943, Ringelnatz, who was suffering from tuberculosis, died in Berlin.

Anna Haentjens, accompanied by Sven Selle on the piano, provides insights into the world of Joachim Ringelnatz with songs, poems, texts and biographical stories. There will be musical settings by Manfred Schmitz, Henry Krtschil, Sven Selle, Manfred Züghardt, Carl-Heinz Dieckmann and others.

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Price information:

normal: 15 € reduced: 12 €


Falstaff Gaststätte Schulstraße 26 28199 Bremen

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