In the organizer's words:

Inner Development Goals

English Version See below

Transformative skills for sustainable development

You are cordially invited to the upcoming IDG Cologne & Bonn Community Meeting No. 4.

The purpose of this meeting is

  • Connect and interact with like-minded people

  • Exchange & practice IDG skills

  • Shaping and collaborating together around the IDGs and our hub

Let's (re)connect & co-create this IDG region together!

This meeting is suitable for you if you are interested in

  • Working with the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), sustainability, regeneration, climate change & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Inner work, personal development, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, etc.

  • Engagement and co-creation in the community for sustainable transformation from the inside out


  • 18:30 - Admission & arrival

  • 19:00 - Check-in, introduction & short update

  • 19:30 - Working together on current topics such as IDG Skill Training (varies by date & is co-created together)

  • 21:00 - Official end & time for networking

  • 22:00 - End End :)

We are very much looking forward to meeting you. Thank you very much and see you soon.

Jannik, Kamil, Klaus & Laila, Ruth & Lisa (Core Team IDG Cologne & Bonn Area Community Hub)

About the Inner Development Goals

The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit organization for inner development. We research, collect and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposefully, sustainably and productively. The Inner Development Goals framework is fundamental to the work of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You can find more information about the Inner Development Goals at

About the IDG Cologne & Bonn Area Community Hub

Like the framework, the idea of the IDG Hubs is free & open source and is supported but not controlled by the IDG organization. This IDG Hub is the regional space around the Cologne / Bonn region for everyone interested in the IDGs as well as topic-specific IDG Hubs. You can connect via our LinkedIn group or the personal LinkedIn profiles and emails of the core team members: Jannik Kaiser -, Kamil Barbarski -, Klaus Mertens -, Laila Martins -, Ruth Spiller - & Lisa Schulze -

When, where, how?

Start: 18.30-19.00

End: 22.00

Language: The event will be held in German with translation into English if required

Admission: free of charge, please reserve your seat



Transformational Skills for Sustainable Development

You are invited to join the upcoming IDG Cologne & Bonn Area Community Gathering Nr. 4.

The purpose of this gathering is

  • Connecting and interacting with like-minded people

  • Exchange & practice IDG skills

  • Co-creating and collaborating around the IDGs and our hub

Let's (re)connect and co-create this IDG region together!

This gathering is for you if you are interested in

  • Working with the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), Sustainability, Regeneration, Climate Change & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Inner Work, Personal Development, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence etc.

  • Engaging and co-creating in community around sustainable transformation from inside out


  • 18:30 - Doors Open

  • 19:00 - Check-in

  • 19:30 - Joint work on current topics e.g. practicing IDG skills together (this varies from meeting to meeting & is co-created by all of us)

  • 21:00 - Official end & time for networking

  • 22:00 - End end :)

We are looking very much forward to meeting you. Thank you and see you soon.

Jannik, Kamil, Klaus & Laila, Ruth & Lisa (Core Team IDG Cologne & Bonn Area Community Hub)

About the Inner Development Goals

Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit organization for inner development. We research, collect and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives. The Inner Development Goals framework is fundamental in the work to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. You can find out more about the Inner Development Goals at

About the IDG Cologne & Bonn Area Community Hub

Just like the framework, the idea of IDG Hubs is to be free and open-source, and it is supported not controlled by the IDG organization. This IDG hub is the regional space around Cologne / Bonn area for everybody who is interested in the IDGs as well as topic specific IDG hubs. You can connect to us via our LinkedIn-Group or the personal LinkedIn profiles and emails from the core team members: Jannik Kaiser -, Kamil Barbarski -, Klaus Mertens -, Laila Martins -, Ruth Spiller - & Lisa Schulze -

When, where, how?

Start: 18.30-19.00

End: 22.00

Language: The event will be in German with translation into English upon need.

Entrance: free, please reserve your spot

This content has been machine translated.

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