PHOTO: © Ralf Brauner


You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Clara Immerwahr, a highly talented scientist, fails because of her time and an unhappy marriage to the famous Nobel Prize winner in chemistry Fritz Haber. In 1900, Clara Immerwahr was the first German to gain a doctorate in the new field of physical chemistry at the University of Breslau. Her husband was a chemist who developed poison gas for the First World War. She was a staunch pacifist and a particular role model for anti-armament groups and feminists. Her marriage and her life ended tragically.

An evening of theater about love and renunciation, duty and passion, fatal scientific ambition and misunderstood love of country.
Sabine Friedrich, born in 1958, is a German author of novels and plays. "Immerwahr" was published as a novel in 2007.

Director: Marcel Pomplun
Acting: Karen Schneeweiß-Voigt in twelve roles
Set design: Thomas Gabriel

The performance rights are held by Theaterverlag Hofman-Paul, Berlin.

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Price information:

The discount is available for students, school pupils, recipients of citizen's benefit, people with disabilities or holders of a social ticket. The theater ship is not barrier-free due to its design.

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


Theaterschiff Potsdam Schiffbauergasse 9B 14467 Potsdam

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