On January 21, 2025, the GSI will be discussing carnival and politics from 7 pm. Carnival is not only of great social importance in the Rhineland: it channels social developments and provides space for criticism of politics. It also brings people from all parts of society together in clubs or independent groups. Time and again, women are the driving force behind the political demands of carnival. They use it in a down-to-earth and tangible way to criticize society and power and in some places (e.g. in Bonn) play a key role in shaping and organizing it. In many societies, however, men and their male circles are still very dominant today and still shape many executive committees. The current discussion about a female triumvirate in Cologne or sexist slogans in the marquee alone show how much action still needs to be taken.
Visit our event and discuss with the concentrated expertise and experience of our female speakers. You can expect