PHOTO: © T.Krampen

KlassikSlam - Der 5. Slam - authentisch, virtuos, berührend.

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:


Can the Queen of the Night sing in the early evening?
you can play "für Elise" on ukulele,
how much rock is there in baroque?

Young musicians present their favorite works - authentic, virtuosic, touching and you vote on which music, which interpretation, which moderation, and perhaps which humor you liked the most. 5 ensembles and soloists will also be taking part this time. And every vote counts

Classical music in new ways straight to the heart!
This is how it works:

Patron Steven Walter (Director of the Beethovenfest)
Moderation and idea: Tobias Krampen
Realization and direction: Solveig Palm (Netzwerk Ludwig van B)
Prize sponsor: Klavierhaus Klavins
Partner and sponsor: Lionsclub Bonn-Beethoven

link to the Netzwerk junge Bonner Klassik e.V. Ludwig van B.:

Report on the student radio station

This content has been machine translated.


Pantheon Theater - Bonn Siegburger Straße 42 53227 Bonn

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