Farce by Anthony Marriott and Bob Grant
The Lawns Hotel has seen better times, but not much better. Dr. Garfield has chosen this hotel to improve the working atmosphere with his receptionist Michele. But what is his wife doing here? That's just one of the many problems the hotel manager has to deal with. Musicians and young honeymooners also make her life difficult. Chaos rules the hotel corridors. Rooms and suitcases are mixed up at breakneck speed until only a stuck elevator provides respite and your diaphragm can recover from the laughter!
"With this play, the Kleine Bühne Seelbach e.V. association celebrates its 25th anniversary. Our founding meeting was on 09.02.2000. We have been delighting our audience in the Kulturhaus Lÿz for almost as long. We would like to thank you very much for this! We would like to donate the proceeds from an event in this year's performance series to the children's palliative care team at the DRK children's hospital in Siegen."