PHOTO: © Pressebild

Kleiner Prinz – Ein Spiel mit Texten von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

In the organizer's words:

We invite you on a journey between outer space and the desert, between reality and imagination, in which the imagination is given wings and the gaze is sharpened with the heart. Recommended for everyone between the ages of 12 and 123.

In 1943, "The Little Prince" was published by an author whose passion and destiny was flying: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Critics claimed that the book would not be a success: It was too childish for adults and too grown-up for children. Today, the fairy tale is one of the best-selling books of all time.

With "Little Prince" we want to immerse ourselves in the creative process of this work in which motifs from the original story seem to go hand in hand with biographical elements.

In the form of a scene collage, we venture into a play of ideas in which the questions that the character of the Little Prince asks us with childlike curiosity are brought to our attention. Language, image and sound act as autonomous forces that repeatedly find each other and ultimately find their unity in Exupéry's world of ideas.


Merle Smalla - performance, stage, costume, objects

Ralf Selmer - The Pilot

Sven Strohschnieder - DJ- Drummer, Performance

Mathilda Kochan - direction, conception

Lilli Oeverink - production management, scientific collaboration

Daniel Maurer - philosophical collaboration

This content has been machine translated.


Theater k Oldenburg Bahnhofstraße 11 26122 Oldenburg