Reading of the winners of the Aachen Youth Poetry Prize
Since 2021, satznachvorn e.V. has been awarding the Aachen Youth Poetry Prize, a writing competition in the field of poetry. It is aimed at pupils in grades 7 to 13 from all schools in the Aachen city region and the districts of Heinsberg, Düren and Euskirchen.
Once again this year, the jury received numerous entries, which were awarded prizes together with their authors at a festive awards ceremony on August 24 in the Dreifaltigkeitskirche. The winners from the respective year groups will present their award-winning works at a joint reading in Café Vers on 12.10. The event will be accompanied by a musical program.
Featured Artist: Tonii
Moderation: Lukas Knoben & Oscar Malinowski
The project is supported by the Bürgerstiftung der Region Aachen of Sparkasse Aachen, the City of Aachen, the bookshop "Das Worthaus" and JuKi Aachen.
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