PHOTO: © Gavin McGruddy via Unsplash

Lichtspiel in dunkler Zeit | Lesung im Staublau

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Part 2: A play of light in dark times

"Those who fall asleep in democracy wake up in dictatorship" - a sentence of oppressive topicality.

After his mysterious return from exile in California, director G. W. Pabst has to pay his respects to the German Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels.

Evil yawns at the film artist in the form of a giant office in the Reich capital, the path to Goebbels' desk is never-ending, and when Pabst finally stands before the minister, we know: now it's all over. Now morality and inner exile are over. Now the machinery of Nazi popular entertainment threatens, where master race and subterranean scripts take their toll...

"Lichtspiel" by Daniel Kehlmann shows how the film director G.W. Pabst comes to Hollywood as a star and fails. How he returns to Germany and how the Third Reich enables him to make film after film. Also how he is guided and monitored by propaganda minister Goebbels and his henchmen. How he himself becomes an unwilling henchman - how the director ultimately becomes guilty and what this guilt does to him.

Also because this book about a different time fits so well into our time, it becomes a gripping must-read...

The following people read: Franziska Vondrlik, Ulf Goerges and Ralf Selmer

This content has been machine translated.


STAUBLAU galerie & café Staugraben 9 26122 Oldenburg

Location | Open Air


Kulturetage Oldenburg
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