Fabian Hinrichs & Wolfram Lotz read texts about beauty, the resistance of theater and the paving slabs in Hamburg-Bramfeld.
Fabian Hinrichs - multiple "Actor of the Year" and co-author of joint plays with René Pollesch - will read from his as yet unpublished book manuscript. It is about growing up in a terraced housing estate in Hamburg's Bramfeld district, the question of what urban development says about our coexistence and why it simply doesn't work without theater.
As always, Wolfram Lotz has invited us to this open discussion and reading evening. Our favorite playwright will respond with his own texts, want to know some things in more detail and, together with his guest, make assumptions about so-called reality.
Price information:
08Euro = No coal ticket 12 Euro = Normal price 15 Euro = Promotional ticket for the "No coal" ticket <3