PHOTO: © Theater Bremen / Jörg Landsberg

(Little) Mr. Sunshine

In the organizer's words:

Small house

by Samir Akika / Unusual Symptoms
Choreography: Samir Akika

In "(Little) Mr. Sunshine", house choreographer Samir Akika and his exceptionally all-male cast examine their own biography and their role as performers. What are the six dancers looking for on this stage and in the faces of their audience? And what exactly has brought them here? "(Little) Mr. Sunshine" asks about the things that drive us to become who we want to be and leaves room for the not unlikely possibility that we will fail. Perhaps we will realize that the theater stage does not only belong to the gifted, but also to the shy, the attention-seekers, the mediocre actors, the control freaks and the eternal seekers. "(Little) Mr. Sunshine" brings together material collages, artistic discovery processes and performative tricks. Two musicians comment on the evening with violin, piano and multilingual theater vocabulary, which you should definitely remember for small talk in the foyer.
In "(Little) Mr. Sunshine", in-house choreographer Samir Akika and his exclusively male cast - an unusual exception for Akika - deal with their own biographies as well as their roles as performers. What do the six dancers look for on this stage, and in the audience's faces? And what, exactly, led them here? "(Little) Mr. Sunshine" poses questions about the things that motivate us to become the people we want to be while leaving space for the, not entirely improbable, possibility we might fail in achieving this. In this, we might perhaps recognize that the theatre stage does not only belong to the gifted, but also to the shy people, to the attention addicts, to the mediocre actors, to the control freaks, to the perennial seekers. "(Little) Mr. Sunshine" gathers material collages, artistic search processes, and performative tricks. Two musicians comment on the evening using violin, piano, and a multilingual theater vocabulary one should definitely remember for small talk use back in the foyer.

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Price information:

2-for-1 special! - Attend two performances as part of Vier Tage Tanz (29.3-1.4.) and save 50%


Theater Bremen Goetheplatz 1-3 28203 Bremen

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