hat concert
At the end of the evening, you throw your bills - we don't want to hear anything rattling - into the hat with enthusiasm and pay
the artists with it. The tickets only serve to restrict access.
We look forward to seeing you!
julika elizabeth
The singer/songwriter from Düsseldorf (22) has been composing
her own songs with English lyrics since she was 9 years old
in the genres pop & alternative.
In addition to live performances without samples and playback, she arranges and
and playback, she arranges and produces her own songs, currently with producer Peter Krick. www.julikaelizabeth.com
Press comment: "Musically with a floating lightness of chord progressions and surprising cadences, sometimes in love with the minor key, she borrows from modern vocals (Lana Del Rey, Adele) and
increasingly develops her very own musical profile"
(Rheinbote, 01.02.2019)
mouches manouche
The duo consists of Coco Kausch and Hardo Kritz. They have been part of Cologne's Südstadt gastronomy scene for years, buzzing from venue to venue like free and elegant flies. The finest jazz manouche|sinti swing sounds from their instruments and their hats are filled with banknotes.
two good for you
unplugged & frontcooked, Silke and Nils from Ehrenfeld
Ehrenfeld interpret hand-picked song delicacies from the mouths of ladies in a guitar coat - acoustic cover pop from the heart.