In the organizer's words:

Somewhere between Planet Punk, Milky Way Retro-Pop, Microcosm New Wave and Hinterwelt Thüringen is the universe of MAMORÉ. It sends out shrill signals and is illuminated day and night by a pink sun. MAMORÉ is a place where everything is allowed: rough pogoing, romantic couple dancing and Bowie-esque hip swinging are practiced simultaneously to solemn synth melodies and rugged rock guitars. Drama and comfort, anachronism and innovation, heartache and a twinkle in the eye aggregate here to form a flowery tangle of emotions. At the center of the action: five young men dressed in extravagant outfits from the vintage wardrobe, who sometimes can't quite grasp what is happening around them.

Paul, Eric, Mike, Alex and Jona come from Thuringia - and thus from a region where the music scene is manageable and the subculture is small. Because all the members of the MAMORÉ conglomerate have been active in punk, stoner and hardcore contexts for years, they didn't just meet yesterday. However, the day the five-piece met for the first time in the rehearsal room and merged into an NNDW 70's rock street-smart band was just a full calendar year ago. In the beginning, MAMORÉ was merely the spawn of a whim: Paul played around on the drum machine and built a few 80's reminiscent electropop loops. When he shows Eric his sketches, the latter decides without further ado to complement the beats with self-written German lyrics. Eric's reverberating, staccato vocal style, infused with operatic overemphasis and rolling R's, became the defining element of the MAMORÉ sound.

After Paul and Eric played the first MAMORÉ concerts as a duo, they soon opened up the band to three more musicians, who promptly enriched the live experience with analog sounds and sweet heaviness: The electric drums are replaced by real drums, guitars are mixed into the MAMORÉ DNA. The band is complete.

Now, in December 2023, MAMORÉ are finally releasing their long-awaited first full-length album, titled after the band's name. "MAMORÉ" is a wild experience, a hot and cold rollercoaster - here tippling and euphoric, consonant and danceable, there abysmal and absurd, fast and cold.

MAMORÉ have created hits that don't really want to be hits, that don't try to be chummy and yet remain in the ear. In some moments, their album is reminiscent of the first releases by the band Abwärts, and now and again the early Die Ärzte seem to shine through.

In terms of content, their debut constantly revolves around the theme of togetherness - amidst heartbreak and euphoria, broken hearts and boiling blood, "races against loneliness", the nerve doctor and October tristesse, the album delivers a concentrated ABC of emotional outbursts and thus the perfect soundtrack for the clammy dance floors of the lovesickness disco.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

plus 1,50€ vvk.


KRISE Osterstraße 19 28199 Bremen

Organizer | Booking Agency

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