In the organizer's words:

Drama, dirt and Don Juan

France in the middle of the 17th century...

A theater cart travels through the French provinces, in wind and weather, summer or winter - it is the "Illustre Theater", an impoverished folk theater around director, actor and author Jean-Baptiste Molière. Playing alongside him are partner and theater director Madeleine Bejàrt, her sister and young actress Armande Bejàrt and lighting technician Bouton, who has to slip into all the other roles more badly than well. Street musician Charles d'Arrivé rounds off the troupe, which is acclaimed by the rural population but struggles to survive financially on a daily basis.

But Molière's new play DON JUAN turns everything on its head. True to his motto: "You improve people by amusing them", in the title role he exposes all the double standards of the authorities in a humorously biting way. He makes an enemy of the church, which leads to him being banned from performing, entertains the masses with his snappy, clownish acting and challenges people to think for themselves with his raunchy, biting lyrics. The "sharpest pen in all of France and beyond" tickles all social classes and reaps either storms of enthusiasm or total condemnation.

And suddenly the troupe receives an invitation to the court. Louis XIV, the unpredictable Sun King, intends to capitalize on Molière's popularity. Between censorship and affection - a dangerous balancing act begins for the gang of actors...

The drama about the "greatest lover in the world" also has enormous explosive power in his private life: because while Don Juan is on stage between hundreds of women, Molière suddenly finds himself between two, Madeleine and Armande. A disastrous love triangle begins and threatens to plunge everything into chaos. Stage and reality begin to blur...

With a twinkle in the eye and echoes of 35 years of the NN Theater Cologne's toune theater life, the audience can expect a rousing, humorous and touching play with live music.

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Waldbad Köln-Dünnwald Peter-Baum-Weg 20 51069 Köln

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