PHOTO: © Rob Laughter via Unsplash

Monday Shorts

In the organizer's words:

To the theater on a Monday night? No question about it! We are looking forward to the continuation of the "Monday Shorts", where artists and employees present specially designed programs on our small but fine stage in the theater restaurant. There is acting and singing, new ensemble members introduce themselves to the Lübeck audience, there are readings, improv shows and quiz evenings as well as quirky performances and stimulating discussion formats. The ever-popular "tastings" also continue to sail under this flag: shortly before our premieres, we invite you to take a look at rehearsals and our directing teams talk about their concepts. And the same applies in future: admission is free!


In September, we will be showing excerpts from the opening premieres of "Jeeps" by Nora-Abdel Maksoud ("Why are even dead people allowed to have more money than me in this country?") and "The Visit of the Old Lady" by Friedrich Dürrenmatt ("I'll buy myself justice!"). On 23/09, prop master Elena Vonderau offers the little things in life a big stage. And on 30/09 Nina-Mercedés Rühl and Knut Winkmann present the mobile production "Name: Sophie Scholl" in excerpts and in conversation with Heiner Kock.


On 07/10 a program on the exhibition "GRASS TANZBAR" takes place in cooperation with the Günter Grass House. One week later, we commemorate the author Erich Kästner on the 50th anniversary of his death. As part of the program accompanying the musical theater production "Die Passagierin", Laila Salome Fischer, Steffen Kubach, Sven Simon and Nathan Bas will present Jewish jokes and songs by Georg Kreisler, Friedrich Hollaender and Mischa Spoliansky, among others, on 21/10. And - now a tradition at the end of October - we invite you to a Halloween reading on 28/10.

This content has been machine translated.


Theater Lübeck Beckergrube 16 23552 Lübeck