PHOTO: © Carsten Bockermann

Nessi Tausendschön - 30 Jahre Zenit

In the organizer's words:

People want to laugh. We are human beings, we want to be happy and not always complain. But often we do. And that is exactly what happens in the evenings on cabaret stages at best: Elegant, clever and beautiful quarrelling with the big, but also the small issues of life. Failure as a hill to climb, success by chance, happiness as the result of continuous striving for knowledge.
For 30 years, Nessi Tausendschön has been impossible to bomb off the stage. 30 years of sophisticatedly cultivated scraping, smooth large and small-scale art, baffling dance, melancholy contrition poetry and beautiful music. When Nessi celebrates the fractures of life, then even the soul-blind in the audience awaken from their distanced torpor, then the boundaries between inner, remembered mental reality and outer, living reality become blurred.
remembered emotional reality and the external physical presence, between the public and the private, even the intimate, and not a dry eye is left in the house. In short: as a cabaret artist, Nessi has a tongue like a horsewhip, but as a singer she has a voice like an angel.
A wonderful combination.
For the sake of completeness, it should be said that 30 years on stage have also left their mark on Ms. Tausendschön: She is the winner of the German Kleinkunstpreis and the Salzburger Stier. These awards may be representative of the numerous other honors with which the culture industry has recognized the cabaret phenomenon Nessi Tausendschön. And one more thing: since the
Since the Böhmermann affair, we all know that satire does have an effect, even if it's just a state affair, haha. And knowing that I am a small cog in the big world structure, I can say with a clear conscience: I like being a cabaret artist.
An amusement lady, a joke whore, a joke prostitute, a joker, a fun curtisan, a fezdirne, a joke bitch, a joke whore, a joke slut, a joke call girl, today in new language this is probably called "Joke Account Facility Manager".

Venue of the event

The Capitol in Bremerhaven is a popular venue for political cabaret. Well-known names from the satire and cabaret scene are regularly on the program here. But the Capitol doesn't just see itself as a stage, it wants to offer more than just a show.

The "Arbeitnehmerkammer kulturell" has been organizing a varied theater programme in Bremerhaven since 1988 and thus makes an important contribution to a colourful and sustainable urban development. Since 1993, the Capitol has played an important role as a forum for artistic, political, intercultural and interpersonal exchange. In short: Capitol is a place for everyone! The diversity of people and lifestyles that come together here is also reflected in the program of events. Every year from January to May and from September to December, a wide variety of artists, satirists and comedians take to the stage to present their world view to the audience in a humorous or serious, but always intelligent and entertaining way. The "SATIRICA", a festival that has long enjoyed great popularity among satire fans, also takes place in November.

The Capitol thrives on the creative spirit of the artists and people who come and go here. Come along and be inspired!

Capitol Bremerhaven

Hafenstr. 156

27576 Bremerhaven
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Price information:

Discount with KammerCard


Capitol Hafenstraße 156 27576 Bremerhaven

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